Fixes: Cheat Engine 6.1
- Fixed DBVM from not working
- Fixed Kernelmode debugging with DBVM in 64-bit
- Several disassembler fixes
- Scanning errors now show the error
- Fixed a few 16-bit assembler instructions
- Fixed doubleclicking the assembler scan going to 00000000
- Fixed the assembler scan going from ffffffff back to 0 and starting over again
- Fixed autoattach causing huge memory leak
- Fixed clicking nextscan when having 0 results
- Fixed 8 byte scans so they it can now scan negative values
- Prevent a 32-bit plugin from showing up error messages when loaded in the 64-bit ce version (It won't work)
- Fixed the VEH debugger from not handling int3 breakpoints properly
- Fixed XMM registers in the veh debugger
- Fixed the VEH debugger from causing a program to hang when Cheat Engine is closed normally Changes since public release: (max 7 days)
- Add the shellExecute lua function
- Fix assembling of movq
- Fix loading a table after having a table with files. And fix the listbox and combobox in the designer. And AOBscan script fix
- Fix lua memory scan creation and reading out the results
Download Cheat Engine 6.1
Password rar:
30 September 2011 pukul 10.25
Ijin ke TeKaPe mas...sekalian follow sini no 54.
Makasih atas kunjungannya
1 Oktober 2011 pukul 18.44
@cardiacku Monggo silahkan gan, makasih udah follow.